Preparing a project proposal to apply for Horizon Europe (HE) funding may be a challenging task and requires time and preparation. In this article, we break this process into 5 main steps.
I) Select the right call for your project
HE provides a wide range of funding opportunities and it is essential to identify the topic that matches your project. The proposal has to be aligned with the call objectives and priorities of HE (Horizon Europe Programme Guide). Thus, take time to understand each topic since each has its specific guidelines. By carefully choosing the appropriate call, you ensure that your project addresses relevant challenges, maximising its impact and the chances to get funded.
Besides getting to know the call’s objective and HE priorities, take time to understand the evaluation process (Horizon Europe Proposal Evaluation) and review one or two successful projects funded in the past as these are available on the Cordis website.
Keep in mind that, in general, it takes 4 to 6 months to elaborate a project.
II) Formulate the project concept
The formulation of a project idea or concept is the basis of the application process. This involves the identification of the research questions and objectives, ensuring that the project addresses societal challenges and offers innovative solutions. Defining the project concept early on can also help the selection of the right call. However, the concept will continue to evolve until the submission time, as all partners are involved in the process.
III) Build your consortium
The majority of the HE calls are for collaborative projects so it is crucial to find the right partners to implement the project. Successful HE projects not only are collaborative but often hinge on the strength and diversity of their consortium. During partner selection, it is essential to look for their expertise and capabilities since it will be essential to define their project’s roles and responsibilities, demonstrating that the project will be executed smoothly.
During this process, consortium management will be crucial to ensure effective communication between all partners.
IV) Write your proposal
The process of drafting the proposal requires time and attention to detail. It is critical that the European Commission guidelines are followed and the evaluation criteria are met.
A strong narrative that demonstrates how the implementation plan will address the project objectives and the project’s innovations is vital. A realistic budget that is aligned with the implementation plan and follows the funding guidelines must be developed. The proposal should include sections on Excellence, Impact and Implementation.
When detailing the implementation plan, it is important to define the deliverables and milestones clearly. Deliverables are the outputs or results that will be produced by the project whereas milestones are points that allow monitoring the project’s progress.
Developing a strong narrative that communicates the importance and impact of the project, highlighting its innovative aspects and potential benefits to society will ultimately prepare the project for a successful submission.
V) Submit your project
Take some time to understand the submission platform and the documents required for the submission process. In the case of European Union (EU) calls, partners need to be registered in the EU Funding and Tenders Portal. Review the eligibility criteria and evaluation guidelines to ensure that all points have been addressed in the proposal. Before submission ensure that all the required documents and information have been submitted.
In conclusion, preparing a project proposal for HE funding may seem daunting, but with careful planning and adherence to the outlined steps, you can significantly enhance your chances of success. Syntropie can be an invaluable partner in EU-funded projects, offering expertise in project management and developing communication, dissemination and exploitation actions. By partnering with us, you can leverage our experience and skills to maximise project implementation.
Would you like to have an expert to support you in setting up your winning proposal? Contact our partner Efund.
Do you have a project?
Syntropie is an invaluable partner for EU-funded projects, providing expertise in project management as well as communication, dissemination, and exploitation actions. By partnering with us, you can leverage our experience and skills to maximize project implementation.